Flo Trouché-Curreri

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Join The Alliance of Independent Authors, ALLi


Explore real-life experiences and actionable strategies that can help you navigate your own self-publishing journey and enhance your writing career.

Think you can't write? You just might surprise yourself!

The Author's Playbook is packed with invaluable habits, powerful mindsets, and inspiring stories. This anthology reveals how successful authors have harnessed these fundamentals to change lives and achieve remarkable success. Dive into practical strategies and real-life experiences that will empower you to elevate your writing and self-publishing endeavors.

But beyond that you will discover:

• The Daily Three method.

• The 3,500 year old practice.
• How to instill responsibility at a very young age in children.
• A minute a day to transform

your life, and many insights.


Ray Brehm
Flo Trouché-Curreri

Linda Berry

David R. Clark

Eileen Love

Dennis Guzik

Aaron Anderson

Shihan Sheriff

Connie Petersen

Janet E. Ferrando

Suzanna de Boer

Sally Saxon, JD.

Caroline Howard

Kelvin Lim

Tiffani Teachey

Keshnee Beharie

Paul T Neustrom

Daniel J. Batty

My Mission is to Make Your Life Better


Webinars and Courses

Periodically I offer webinars and courses on personal finance, important records to keep, intellectual property, literary assets and tips on author estate planning.



Includes Mind Map to Success: Organize, Simplify, Achieve; a chapter in the anthology The Author's Playbook: How Authors Like Your are Self-Publishing Right Now; and in the works Master Your Money, Enhance Your Life


Fiction - in planning:

The first Cate murder mystery featuring a beautiful motorcyclist heroine. Many twists and turns will keep you guessing. Billionaire, jewel thieves, murders, kidnapping, - who's connected to whom?
Oh yes! The black cat!

© 2024 Flo Trouché-Curreri

All Rights Reserved

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Join The Alliance of Independent Authors, ALLi